Shareholders of Kankaan Palvelu Oy
The founding shareholders of Kankaan Palvelu Oy are the City of Jyväskylä, Skanska Talonrakennus Oy, and YIT Housing Oy, each with a 1/3 ownership stake in the company. All real estate and housing companies in the area will eventually become the main shareholders of Kankaan Palvelu. The final ownership of Kankaan Palvelu will be transferred to these housing companies once the Kankaan area is fully completed.
Financing Operations
The investments made by Kankaan Palvelu Oy are financed through share subscription fees. The subscriptions are made by the real estate and housing companies in the area. There are four series of shares: common yards (B), waste management (C), portal (D), and percent culture (E). Additionally, percent culture receives funding from the city based on land sales in the area and a separate percent culture fee.
Maintenance is funded by usage fees paid by the real estate and housing companies.
Communal Yards
In Kangas, various yards are implemented as communal yards. These high-quality common yards serve as pleasant meeting places. The yards have different themes and are designed to blend seamlessly with other public areas. Families and groups can organize block parties in the yards, considering their nearby residences.
Currently, fully completed communal yards include Piipputori, Kangasleikki, Kangasviljely, Kangaskokkaus, Sydänpyörä, Sydänsukupolvet, and Sydänmetsä. Under construction is Kangaskulttuuri I, of which phase 1 is already completed.
The communal yards are built and maintained by Kankaan Palvelu Oy.
Percent Culture
In the Kangas area, the principle of percent culture is applied. This means that about one percent of the land sales revenue and construction costs in Kankaan are directed towards culture, art, and events throughout the construction phase.
Percent Culture can be seen in many creative ways to integrate art into the area of living all around Kangas. If you want to see the different art pieces around Kangas, you can check the gallery from this link (gallery in Finnish). Percent Culture is also planned to continue up until the whole area of Kangas has finished building in 2040.
Waste Management
Kangas' cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and safety-enhancing waste management is organized through a regional deep collection waste management system. Regional deep collection means that the containers are strategically placed around the area so that no one's walk to the bins is too long. This also reduces the movement area of garbage trucks and the frequency of necessary collections, leading to the aforementioned various benefits.
Waste management in Kankaan is handled by Mustankorkea, which takes care of the collection, reception, utilization, and waste advisory services in the area.
The waste points are built and maintained by Kankaan Palvelu Oy. - webportal (for the people living and working in Kangas)
From Kangasverkko, you can find information about our delightful common yards and info about their maintenance, rules and instructions on how to use them. More info regarding e.g waste management, environmental cleanliness, events held in Kangas, and a gallery of the unique art culture that enlives the view all around Kangas.
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Palvelupäällikkö / Kangasverkko
Taideasiantuntija / Prosenttikulttuuri